ORLA PTA invites you to stop by the Welcome Center to join us for a cup of coffee with a full shot of community. Come share your family’s experiences at our school and hear about how other families are navigating our programs.
Are you a Montessori parent/caregiver wondering how the transition into MSA goes? There are parents at our school who’ve already been there.
Are you a homeschooling parent/caregiver looking for a great math curriculum? There are definitely parents with thoughts about that.
Are you an MSA parent/caregiver whose child is looking towards high school? Other parents here have kids that have already taken that step.
Or are you an ORLA Online parent/caregiver who wants to connect more with our in person community? You’re not alone either.
Whatever your situation at ORLA and whichever program (or programs!) your child attends, you are welcome to join us at Grounds for Gathering to help build and strengthen our community. Coffees take place on the first and third Mondays of the month at 12:30pm and the second and fourth Thursdays of the month at 8:15am. Please note November’s dates are different.
Coffee and community are both free, but we are happy to accept donations towards our costs.
Email contact@orlapta.org with questions or for more information.